Monday, May 24, 2010

My first post

My name is Allie. I am 20 years old, I have been married a year and seven weeks ago I gave birth to our wonderful son Jonah. Since giving birth I have been subjected to sideways looks and smiles full of pity. People all assume that my husband I got married because we got pregnant and we are just to stupid kids who are trying to act like 'grown ups'. This idea is strange to me, and I have decided to find out more. For one year I want to document what it is like to be a young mom and NOT be upset about it. By no means do I think that all young moms are upset about their lives, or that even most of them are. What I hope to do is to show people that things aren't always what they seem. So, lets go, join me in my life. See what it is like to be mom of one, and still not be able to buy alcohol.